[Chester LUG] You've heard about the Google thing..

David Holden dh at iucr.org
Thu Jan 26 15:07:13 UTC 2012

The interesting thing to me about Google is their almost non existent
support. More and more my online presence relies on them but if
something goes wrong there appears to be little in the way of
resolution, sans their poor help system. I compare this to say Amazon,
who in my experience provide excellent support, their Kindle support is


On 26/01/12 15:00, Les Pritchard wrote:
> Interesting stuff, the whole search engine world seemed to go very
> quiet for a while - like everyone had given up and let Google get on
> with it.
> The trouble with all of these is scaling and that's where Google got
> it bang on. They've now got to such a size that all these other sites
> feel so slow - even if we're just talking seconds!
> It's really good to have some more competition in this area though and
> I'll have a good play. I do find it funny that this slightly
> anti-Google conversation has included three Gmail users, I'm sure
> they're watching us :-p
> Les
> On 26 January 2012 14:27, Ben Arnold <BenArnold at fsfe.org> wrote:
>> Highly recommended, I've had it as my default for months as the search box
>> in my Opera no longer has a Google entry :)
>> I believe this is (to become) the default in Linux Mint n+1, probably just
>> Firefox but I imagine they could do it for all the browsers they package.
>> The bang search terms are ridiculously useful, "!github <search>" etc.,
>> though "!google <search terms>" not so much...
>> I've also come across Seeks, http://www.seeks-project.info/ and search with
>> thier instance https://www.seeks-project.info/search.php, which I think
>> that, as a decentralised service, aims to group users that search for
>> similar terms so they can provide useful results for that group. Sort of
>> like voting up, but not for individual searches. Yes, I'm still confused.
>> Until later,
>> Ben
>> On 26 January 2012 12:52, Stuart Burns <stuart.james.burns at gmail.com> wrote:
>>> I found out about a new search engine and have been using it for a week or
>>> so. Google like it used to be, without annoying ads, tracking, and asking do
>>> I want to upload to + etc. It also, most importantly has good privacy, and
>>> all sorts of customisable options, to include fully secure search, no search
>>> term passing etc.
>>> www.duckduckgo.com
>>> It's clean, it's simple, it's relevant and quick.
>>> Also it has some geeky toys http://duckduckgo.com/goodies.html
>> --
>> Ben Arnold
>> Chester, UK
>> Free Software Foundation (Europe) Fellow
>> e: benarnold at fsfe.org  |  ben at seawolfsanctuary.com
>> w: seawolfsanctuary.com  |  chat: benarnold at jabber.fsfe.org
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Dr David Holden. (dh at iucr.org)

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