[Colchester] Hello I have just joined

Wayland Sothcott wayland at countybroadband.net
Sun Aug 6 09:44:16 BST 2006


I am from Coggeshall and am the technical manager at County Broadband 
Ltd, a Wireless Internet Service Provider (WISP).

We use Linux a lot for routers and servers but Windows for desktop. I 
know quite a bit about flashing the Linksys WRT54GL with Linux firmware 
and hope to do a bit of embedded systems programming on this. I also 
know about IPCop Linux based router and hosting on Linux based web servers.

I am keen to promote Linux and Open software amongst ordinary computer 
users. I have moved some people over to Linux already. If I can help 
anyone please get in touch. I will be reading this list to see if I can 


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