[Colchester] The Internet

Wayland Sothcott wayland at sothcott.co.uk
Sat Jun 14 10:19:46 BST 2008

Joao Verissimo wrote:
>     There one thing I would like to see... Every body getting together
>     and target an ISP like Virgin Media and try and get better support
>     for Linux.  If everyone (being Linux users) across the UK acted as
>     one then the ISP will adjust to include Linux support
> >I think Linux is very well supported these days. Obviously with Linux 
> you should get a router and not even try and use a USB Modem.
> I actually just had some problems with Virgin's modem... no internet 
> at all, until I launched Internet Explorer inside a virtual machine 
> and it went through the configuration.... with all sorts of questions 
> and form fields that I really didn't think I should answer to have a 
> working internet connection.
> Despite the fact that the bloke who installed it said that he had 
> configured it all for me and I wouldn't need Windows.
So Virgin supply a router that can only be configured from Internet 
Explorer? I think you should dump Virgin. Their email service is weak. 
They are in with Phorm and they supply routers that are not Browser 

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