[Colchester] The Internet - My response to Wayland

Wayland Sothcott wayland at sothcott.co.uk
Sat Jun 14 22:54:26 BST 2008

Chris Pritchard wrote:
> so you're saying the government planned 9/11 :P, that documentary 
> better be convincing (gonna watch it tomorrow :P)
> On 14 Jun 2008, at 22:08, Wayland Sothcott wrote:
>> I just watched V for Vendetta
>> A modern distophia film by the same people who did the Matrix. Set in 
>> London, the hero is a super hero terrorist who blows things up on the 
>> 5th Nov.
>> One interesting bit is where the government try to claim the 
>> terrorist destruction of St Pauls was actually a planned demolition. 
>> This is the opposite of the claim about the World Trade Center.
Well I heard rumors of the attack on the WTC back in the late 1990's, 
that the next one was going to be 7 planes deliberately used as bombs to 
attack New York. I suspect the spooks were way ahead of these rumors. So 
it would not be hard to imagine that some strings were pulled to let 
them pass. The destructive part was helped along by some professionally 
placed detonation charges and most probably that stuff they show on 
Brainiac that burns through steel, thermite. Without getting into 
detail, I think everyone was more gobsmacked when the buildings 
collapsed into a cloud of dust than they were that some planes hit the 
buildings. The BBC presenter was saying that the heat inside the 
buildings was intense whilst we were watching people wave out of the 
windows and the hole the plane left. The the BBC man says that the 
structure of the buildings is critically damaged and I am watching this 
live thinking bollox, they will put the fires out and fix the holes, 
this event is over. Then the building literally turns to dust in 10 
seconds, at that point I am gobsmacked, double slobbagobsmacked when it 
happens again. I am thinking, slam a door too hard in one of them 
skyscrapers and you're doomed.

This is why I say people should be skeptical and ask questions and do 
research and try and know as much as possible. Don't let the BBC tell 
you what to think. It's why Linux is important, you can actually read 
the source code though I know I don't I let others tell me how good it 
is. I better try reading some code.

Yes so Chris, why not put Loose Change Final Cut DVD on right now? Be 
done by 2am hehheheh.

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