[Colchester] Cobalt Qube 2

Wayland Sothcott wayland at sothcott.co.uk
Thu May 1 08:58:32 BST 2008


A customer gave me a Cobalt Qube 2 server. This uses a MIPS cpu and came 
with just 16MB RAM and 10GB Hard drive. I am in the process of wiping it 
and putting the Cobalt OS back on. It has no keyboard mouse or monitor 
sockets, purely Ethernet control. To re-load it you have to run a Live 
CD from Sun on a PC. The problem is that the live CD only works with 
certain LAN cards, which I am obtaining thanks to a member here. With 
the PC and Qube networked the Qube can boot it's installation from the 
PC which is running the live CD. Then you use SSH to run the install 
program. Chris suggested I install Debian. I have upgraded the RAM to 
24MB and I get part way through the installation but it crashes out my 
putty session when it gets to the hardware scan. Ideally I need 32MB RAM 
to make it work properly. It uses old fashioned sim sticks.

Unfortunately the Qube with it's origonal operating system (based on an 
earlier Red Hat) is impractical as a web server on todays Internet. The 
Cobalts were so popular that everybody seems to know how to hack them. 
The reason I have this one is because it was hacked.


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