[Colchester] Here a question.

Wayland Sothcott wayland at sothcott.co.uk
Tue Nov 11 18:44:17 UTC 2008

toby wrote:
> If there server is running Windows 2000 and the OS on the computer that
> are acting like terminals are running Windows XP.  Would that not make
> the entire network problematic, as in there will be loads of bugs and
> file to computer account like MS Word can just disappear?
> Thanks
> Toby
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That mainly makes it expensive to licence and expensive to maintain. 
Windows 2000 serever and Windows XP clients are the norm in business. So 
much so that no one expects any different. One improvement would be to 
set up a Linux based server and move some or all of the services to 
that. I know people with Windows servers and they do take a lot of 
looking after. However the Linux servers I have installed just seem to 
run trouble free, except for a problem I had.

Here is the Linux server problem I had. I had a folder that mounted a 
removeable 150GB USB drive. The batch process would mount the drive then 
copy loads of backup files onto it. The problem was that if the mount 
failed the files were still copied, only this time the folder pointed to 
the root partition of the main hard drive, which was only 10GB and 
quickly filled up causing the server to act strangely then crash and not 

The cause of the problem was a dodgy USB cable which was then  replaced. 
However I expect I should have altered my batch file to test for the 
drive mounting properly.


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