[Colchester] I'm Confused!!!

toby toby.whaymand at ntlworld.com
Fri Oct 17 22:02:33 UTC 2008

The Amiga OS and all the the non-Unix type OS don't really work on a
modern PC because of the hardware architecture right? or so I
So an OS really need to be a sub-directory of UNIX, for example, Linux
or BSD to be able to work on the majority of home computers... Not
including the hardware that do not Open Source there coding like, for
example, some video cards..
I really do not understand how the SkyOS have written the kernel from
nothing and so it is all there own coding and yet been able to get the
OS to work on the majority of machines?
Don't get me wrong I don't think it worth the 30 Euros to download the
apparently non UNIX OS because not a lot of application work on it and
it depends on Elimination software to run most Linux applications. I'm
just curious on how they managed to write an OS that is not related to
UNIX in any way...
What is noticeable is that the team are keeping the coding very tight to
themselves and only a few trusted developers actually have access to
it.... Makes you wonder...

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