[Colchester] Richard Stallman on Alex Jones right now!

Wayland Sothcott wayland at sothcott.co.uk
Mon May 18 21:30:04 UTC 2009

Tom Robbins wrote:
> Resist the new world order? Plant a crisis garden? Haven't heard those  
> since the run up to the millennium...
Yeah, Alex Jones went OTT at Y2K also. But he had a point, Y2K was hyped 
just as swine flue is hyped, it's to herd the sheeple.
In  June 2001 Alex Jones predicted a massive terrorist attack. He was 
not alone, go to YouTube and search for Lone Gunmen 9/11
in this you will see the episode they aired in June 2001 showing a 
remote controlled jumbo jet being flown into the the twin towers, 
averted at the last second. We all saw what happened in Spetember that year.

If Mr Blakemores lorry fails to restock the Spar in Coggeshall then I 
may regret not growing a crisis garden ;-)

It was interesting listening to Richard Stallmen, he seems pretty clued 
up on all this but does not seem to have heard of Internet 2. He is 
aware of the censorship of the Internet in Austrialia. Pretty much the 
best thing about the Internet is you can always find stuff that is just 
not in the mainstream media and it's free. The majority of all the good 
stuff could vanish overnight, leaving only the most techie and illegal 
of people still able to get their hands on it.

For instance I am writing stuff here and telling you how to find things 
rather than posting a link. The government may require that every post 
is moderated. Also that every list must submit it's posts to a 
government email address and it's members must be logged. Also there 
could be watchlists of people who must be monitored. The government has 
been trying to spend 12billion on improving the spie network. The spies 
are concentrating on us now, not terrorists, for we are now the terrorists.

By now I would imagine that most people on this group have educated 
themselves in that 9/11 and 7/7 were inside jobs and now everyone is a 
potential terror suspect.
If you think it went too well for it to be a government job have a look 
at some of the cockups on YouTube:
  BBC Jane Standley WTC7
  Bush Saw first plane hit on 9/11

I am writing this from my Vista laptop. Why do all the versions of 
Windows need all these updates every month? I used to just accept it but 
I am beginning to wonder. They could change the way my PC works 
overnight, like they did with Service Pack 2 which was a massive screwup 
at first. The next one might be more subtle and more far reaching.

That is why we need Linux, Linus Torvolds, Richard Stallman and Alex Jones.

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