[Colchester] Linux format magazines

Stephen s.parry316 at btinternet.com
Tue Feb 4 16:39:05 UTC 2014

An awful shame to pulp them. Please 'put it about'  more widely before 
you do :) ie twitter, facebook freeecycle. If you tweet to me I will 
gladly retweet (I have very few followers, but y'know) 
https://twitter.com/wakou2 @wakou2)

On 04/02/14 12:00, colchester-request at mailman.lug.org.uk wrote:
> Hi
> Before I send them to be recycled would anyone like to archive 95 of the first 100 Linux Format magazines and disks.
> If so I will deliver them to the Colchester group meeting for passing on.

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