[Cumbria] Promoting the LUG
Roger Cope
cumbria at mailman.lug.org.uk
Tue Dec 31 00:40:01 2002
Both Tivo and Sky+ are subscription packages, though you only really pay =
an enhanced programme guide. Sky+ also has a bugger of an installation
charge, which I'm not paying at all, despite being a Sky subscriber.
Thompson are almost set to launch an interesting product though - it's a =
that 'screen scrapes' programme information off the associated teletext =
listing. If your favourite channel doesn't do teletext then of course =
have to record it using the old fashioned timer but the price is keen =
and I
have half a suspicion that they will do well. It was previewed in T3 =
month and due to be launched in January.
Roger Cope
> What is 'PVR (Tivo-like)'. I use my main PC (Athlon / SuSE v8.0) to=20
> play CDs, listen to FM radio and TV while working.
PVR stands for Personal Video Recorder (I think). Tivo is a brand name. =
offer Sky+ which provides similar functionality. Basically, the PVR sits
between the television and the signal (be it Sky, cable, Freeview etc.). =
incoming signal is encoded and saved, then decoded and passed onwards. =
allows you to pause and rewind live tv. You can also record programs for
later viewing etc. Have a look here: http://www.mythtv.org/
Could make a nice project for the LUG...