Re[2]: [Cumbria] Linux in the workplace

Ian Linwood cumbria at
Wed Feb 5 22:51:00 2003

Hello Adam,

Wednesday, February 5, 2003, 8:14:05 AM, you wrote:

> Normally i would, but the last time i posted stuff about work to a mailing
> list i was accused of being a security breach??!!
Some people have nothing better to think about  :-(

> I'll think about my wording and get back to you :o)

Don't  worry about wording - you have been receiving messages from the
list?  Nobody  at  all  seems  to  care  about how they approach other
members  of  the  group.  Feet first I say! ;-) Seriously, You've said
nothing  at  all  that 'I' would consider a breach. Then again I don't
have an Anal Retentive personality.

Use the source Adam. Forget the nightmare that is VMS.



Yours, continually cursing the RDL's.

Best regards,