[Cumbria] Next meeting...

Michael Saunders cumbria at mailman.lug.org.uk
Mon Jan 6 14:46:00 2003

On Mon, 6 Jan 2003, Ken Hough wrote:

> Mat Brunt wrote:
> > And just to recall one of the earliest conversation's I read about
> > where to advertise the LUG - what about flyers at the tills in
> > mainline bookshops. Most of the techies I know always seem to end up
> > there in search for something new to read.

Lo Mat -- the best place to advertise is probably the Linux mags, and LXF
has a nice map and list at the back of each issue. Unfortunately it still
lists Jamie Dainton as the chap to contact -- I'll speak to the guys and
get it updated. Who is the boss of this thesedays?

> Someone did mention possibly extra / informal meetings at other venues
> such as pubs. That sounds OK by me but we might get a reputation as a
> group of Linux Lounge Lizards.

Hrm, not sure if pubs would be such a good idea -- there's already been
plenty of debate on this list, so adding alcohol to the mix might not help
matters much :)

> Perhaps somewhere around Keswick could be good.  Anyone know a good pub
> there?

That's the problem with Cumbria -- despite being one of the best counties
(there's nothing like the Lakes), it's gigantic. Keswick would be a very
long way for us Furnessians to travel, so maybe we should all state our
locations and find a place which on average is closest to us all :)

Then again, that'd probably be something like Oxen Park, which is dire
(used to work there).

Michael Saunders