[Cumbria] My Word!!!

Paul Broomfield cumbria at mailman.lug.org.uk
Tue Jan 7 10:03:00 2003

:::Never before have I had the e-mail server tell me my mail=20
:::box is too full to=20
:::receive new messages and had to sit down for 1/2 an hour=20
:::just to read them=20
:::all! :)
:::Almost starting to feel part of something now....just got to=20
:::find a decent=20
:::e-mail provider, rather than this crappy hotmail account.=20
:::Anyone know any good one's that I can use some SMTP software=20
:::to check rather=20
:::than a web front end (figured it would be faster, that's all)?

Yes My service! Avmail, fully virus protected mail from =A30 a month. Do
you want an @clug.org.uk address??
