[Cumbria] Next meeting...

Ken Hough cumbria at mailman.lug.org.uk
Tue Jan 7 11:04:20 2003

Schwuk wrote:

>>That's the problem with Cumbria -- despite being one of the best
>>counties (there's nothing like the Lakes), it's gigantic. Keswick would
>>be a very long way for us Furnessians to travel, so maybe we should all
>>state our locations and find a place which on average is closest to us
>>all :)
>My idea was to have local meetings to supplement the monthly ones, and the
>(now very healthy) mailing list and other discussions. Basically, if you
>want to have a meeting in your part of Cumbria, announce it, people say
>whether they will come,  then you can go ahead with it if there is enough
>interest. I'm starting work on a tool to help with this to go on the
The beauty of (and problem with) is that we don't have many fast / 
direct roads across the county -- mountains in the way? Long may it 
remain so!

Agreed. We shall have to go for local meets. Perhaps we could draw up a 
table of members / localities / experience / interests and take it from 

For a start, I live on the south side of Kendal, am not a professional 
IT guy, but have been using PCs since the IBM/PC XT and Linux for 
something like 5 years. I use Linux for standard office apps, internet, 
TV/Radio, CD playing and burning, Image manipulation, programme 
development (using 'C').

Ken Hough