[Cumbria] My Word!!!

Michael Saunders cumbria at mailman.lug.org.uk
Tue Jan 7 12:21:00 2003

On Tue, 7 Jan 2003, Mat Brunt wrote:

> Almost starting to feel part of something now....just got to find a
> decent e-mail provider, rather than this crappy hotmail account. Anyone
> know any good one's that I can use some SMTP software to check rather
> than a web front end (figured it would be faster, that's all)?

Yeah, it would be much easier than having to mess around with web pages.  
Yahoo! offered a POP3 (download) and SMTP (sending) server for their free
mail service, but not sure if it still stands. Have a look.

> Mike / Ken - thanks for the words of encouragement. I'm sure once I can
> discipline myself to sit down for more than 20 mins and have a decent
> look at Linux I'll start catching up. At the moment it's just too easy
> to use windows as I can boot up, get the job done then knock it off -
> less hard work involved! :p

Best to just do things in Linux in gradual increments rather than force
yourself and end up getting frustrated. When I first installed Linux back
with Red Hat 5.1, it started as a novelty and useful programming
environment, then I got various Net programs set up, and after about 6
months I was fully converted. And that was back in the days of the hideous
Netscape 4, no GNOME or KDE, and a manual kernel recompile just to get the
sound card working! :)

> At the moment the only thing stopping me from going down to Gleaston is
> work, anyone ever fancies an informal meeting/chat up near Sellafield
> end give me a shout, it will be easier to get away from the dreaded
> place that does nicely give me money every month. I hope to finally get
> down to a LUG soon, and start putting faces to names.

Yeah, I was talking to Chris P on the phone last night about such an idea,
seeing as most of you guys live round that way. Sometime in the day, like
a Sat or Sun, could be good as we'd get the train up.

> Now I'm off to carry on reading all these e-mails, wish me luck!

Good luck -- I've still got another 20 to go through here :)


Michael Saunders