Re[4]: [Cumbria] My Word!!! cumbria at
Fri Jan 10 09:12:01 2003 wrote:
> Hello Chris,
> Thursday, January 9, 2003, 6:09:37 PM, you wrote:
> > >> 
> >> This group should not just cater for elitist skill sets, it should
> >> cater for all skill levels and encourage people to use Linux
> >> regardless of their experience.

This is part of the point of the group but having access to more experienced
skilled people is a big bonus, it gives beginners the chance to get good 
answers to difficult questions

> > We try to, but its difficult when people like you keep telling us we're
> > not catering.  What you have to remember is that the LUG has to be fun
> > for everyone, not just for the people who want to learn.
> So to you, learning is not fun. Poor soul. That is why you don't fit
> in.

If anyone has a constructive 'I would like some covarage of using office software on linux' requests -- Post them

> >> 
> >> DT environments should be discussed within the group, as should the
> >> use of polymorphic inheritance in classes within the Linux kernel.
> > I didn't think the linux kernel was implemented in an object orietated
>                                                                ^^^^^^^^^
>                                                                eh?
> > language.  Maybe you need to stop with the smack.
> Maybe you need to take some!
> Yes I know this isn't implemented. Linus is against it (he's not
> always correct in his judgement - as he will acknowledge).
> This was partly a test;
> 1. As an example of the range of skills within the group.
> 2. To test group knowledge base.
> 3. To provoke discussion as to why Linux uses only std. C.
> I look forward to meeting YOU.
> --
> Best regards,

>  Ian                  

Ok I know why the project used std C, and why OOP is not used in kernal
programming ... I can talk about the evils of dynamic binding too... but is anyone interested ?

Trevor <> <>