[Cumbria] My Word!!!

cumbria@mailman.lug.org.uk cumbria at mailman.lug.org.uk
Fri Jan 10 11:10:02 2003

> I have repeatedly suggested the idea of informal meetings to counteract
> this, and also suggested a format for the Gleaston meetings which has had
> two positive reactions, one *observation* and nothing else. No one else has
> yet to a) agree, b) disagree or c) make their own suggestions.
> -- 
> Schwuk

I likeed your idea, at first, but feel reservations now, I would not like
to sit through two hours of 'how to edit a file in vi' or 'Howto build generic classes in C++' and I suspect Ken and others might find this format dull. Short
presentations would be acceptable.

I would like Ken and the others who are (and I kinda understand it) not happy to put forward their suggestions as to 
 Meeting format (formal chaired with agenda) / (informal with a short talk)

  Subject matter : (Desktop applications /programming / legal issues ?

  disscussion formats ? 

I do agree with you in so far as I have seen this mail list and the last meeting, it is up to us to improve the situation!
