[Cumbria] My Personal Agenda
cumbria at mailman.lug.org.uk
Fri Jan 10 13:53:00 2003
Michael Saunders said:
> Heh, yeah, it works fantastically on older hardware like that but I've
> also been running it on my main PIII box for a couple of years now.
> It's a truly brilliant little prog.
As my home network does not currently route (I have ISDN, and haven't gotten
around to building a machine to do the routing - another story) and I refuse
to use MS ICS, I have been using SSH and X forwarding to access the web
from my WiFi'd laptop. You may remember I was having problems running
Mozilla across the link - that's now working, but I started using pine just
so I could get my mail and was very impressed by it...
> Also, before all the jokes come in about a geek and tech writer having
> such a low-spec laptop, I'll just say that I thought long and hard
> about getting an iBook or Thinkpad, but in the end just needed
> something to do a bit of writing, play MP3s and run Pine / Irssi /
> Dillo and Links etc. Toshiba 400CS, mint condition for a ton, was
> ideal.
Fair enough. What's the battery life like? Is it WiFi'd?
Thanks for highlighting irssi - I was looking for a good console IRC client
- I've tried BitchX and didn't like it. How good is dillo? I'm a real
mozilla fan, and use it at home & work on Windows and Linux.
> Anyway, it awaits your mockery at the next meeting! :)
Ah yes, but you own yours - both of mine belong to my employers. When I do
buy my own it will either be Apple (almost bought one of the new 12"
Powerbooks the other day) or Dell.