[Cumbria] Ideas for Presentations

Ken hough cumbria at mailman.lug.org.uk
Sun Jan 12 19:22:00 2003

Hey Guys,

Paul's comment about 'releasing open source material' made me think. Is
anybody about to do this? What's the best way to do proceed?

My interest stems from an app. that I've developed. It's commant line driven
and does polynomial curve fits (up to 8th order!) on sets of x - y data.
Very useful for reducing real life / emperical data sets to single equations
that can be used within modeling programmes. It's writen in 'C'and intended
to be easily called from within another app./ front end.

I've got it to a stage where I would be happy to let others use the
programme and hopefully comment on it. Anyone interested in looking at the
source code?
