[Cumbria] The guy has a point...
cumbria at mailman.lug.org.uk
Wed Jan 15 10:34:01 2003
Just read this on the latest issue of Penguin Shell from LockerGnome. I
think he has a very valid point. Decide for yourselves...
The Real Desktop Obstacle
Scribbled by Chris Rose
"It bears mentioning, in response to your introduction to Ark Linux on 1/14,
that most of the people I know of who have a problem with Linux's
desktop-readiness aren't windows folks. Speaking /as/ a primarily windows
folk, although two of my three systems run linux, I know that the
flexibility of Linux and recent development efforts have led to amazing
strides in the usability arena. The people who seem to have the biggest
problem with the idea of linux on the desktop are the die-hard CLI users and
hardcore geek types who insist that the OS and its tools be designed for the
highest uncommon denominator, as though that somehow provides them with
validation. Yes, it's a bit of a rant, but I maintain that the biggest
barrier to widespread acceptance of Linux is not ease of use, because in
terms of ease of use, Red Hat 8 does everything necessary. It's the attitude
of the community, which is both sad and contradictory, given that the
community itself is also one of the /best/ reasons to use the OS. I hope to
see more of the latter side of the community as time goes by, but I also
suspect that there will always be a large element of the group that insists
that they have an 'elite' operating system, and when they can't find it in
Linux, they'll move on to the next 'best' thing."
And before Ken replies with a comment about SuSE being better/just as good
as RedHat, we already know... :)