Re[4]: [Cumbria] Chores

Paul Broomfield cumbria at
Wed Mar 5 19:14:01 2003

Hello Ian,

No worries about the misunderstanding. It happens a lot in this game!
At the moment I am using /var/qmail/control/smtproutes to forward smtp.
The cluster uses NFS ( for /home/vpopmail ) and a series of bash scripts
to manage the front head nodes. I realise that I could get everything to
forward into other servers using smtproutes to do the filtering. The
problems are thus:
	o This would only work on a per domain basis, not per user.
	o If I where to keep the redundancy and load balancing inherent
within my setup it would require another 4 servers at least ( 6 to keep
the same level of redundancy / load balance I have at the moment ).
	o  It would not enable the users to configure there own
settings, and I would have to have a cluster per feature ( I intend to
have at least 6 configurable alternatives ).

The solution that I am looking for would mean that users local or remote
would have the ability to configure there own settings. The path that I
am walking down uses a CDB file. Each user ( not in default mode ) would
have an entry in the CDB that had flags pertaining to there
requirements. QMS would be modified to read this file and then use
scanners accordingly.

I hope that I have not mislead any one there!

In answer to the posts about the benefits of debian over FreeBSD, this
is something that I have weighed up myself again and again. Sorry I
chose FreeBSD, no reason, no comment, I just did!

Kind regards,

Paul Broomfield

>-----Original Message-----
>[] On Behalf Of Ian Linwood
>Sent: 05 March 2003 18:42
>To: Paul Broomfield
>Subject: Re[4]: [Cumbria] Chores
>Hello Paul,
>Wednesday, March 5, 2003, 5:12:26 PM, you wrote:
>OK, maybe a fuller reply is required...
>> Mmm. Well thanks for the advice but there is one thing in there that 
>> indicates that you don't use qmail-scanner :).
>I've used, and implemented qmail in a commercial environments 
>for quite some time. Looking at my simple diagram I can see 
>how I may have misled you.
>What I meant by that was that Qmail would check the domain and 
>from that decide on the SMTP route (ie send out to the gateway 
>or to the filtering system).
>>  The bit that says (filter
>> Y|N). That's the problem that I have getting qms to y/n. There is no
>> support in the system for that and there doesn't apear to be any 
>> patches that would let me do it. I have some one who knows 
>perl at the 
>> moment who is going to try and modulise qms. I am not confident that 
>> the person in question will have the time to do it. So. If there is 
>> any perl people out there who fancy helping us out on a 
>modulised qms 
>> project let me know :).
>Qmail supports SMTP routing based on domain name. This is a 
>very simple task (if that is what is required).
>Writing a module is a tad overkill, unless I'm missing the 
>point of what you wish to do.
>Best regards,
> Ian                  
>Cumbria mailing list