[cumbria_lug] It's a miracle!

Schwuk schwuk at schwuk.com
Sat Oct 11 00:49:43 BST 2003

Mat Brunt wrote:
> So what's the best way of getting programs to work then - the first
> project is to get a video player on here, I've heard of one called xine?
> Recommendations on a postcard please.

Right, repeat after me:


su -c rpm -Uvh apt-0.5.5cnc6-fr1.i386.rpm

su -c 'apt-get install synaptic'

Perform the above from a command prompt (you'll be prompted for the root 
password with the 'su -c' commands), then you'll have a nice shiny new 
icon in your 'System Settings' menu ( System Settings > More System 
Settings > Synaptic ). Fire Synpatic up (you'll be prompted for your 
root password again) and hit the 'Update Lists' button, then browse for 
software... Try mplayer, xine and totem (in no particular order). Whilst 
you are there, you can also pick up mp3 plugins for xmms (they're 
missing from Red Hat) and any number of other things...


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