[cumbria_lug] Location, location, location...

Steve Turner Steve at fadges.demon.co.uk
Tue Apr 6 17:23:18 BST 2004

At 17:01 02/04/2004, you wrote:
>As we are currently looking for new meeting places (see the thread 
>'Desperately seeking...'), I thought it would be sensible to get an idea 
>of where people want from the meetings.
>Quick explanation: formal meetings usually take place in meeting room with 
>computers/internet connection on hand, and are intended to cover a topic 
>in technical detail, or achieve a particular goal (i.e getting LTSP 
>running). Informal meetings are pure social events, best suited to bars, 
>public houses or eating establishments.
>1) Where would you like the meetings to take place?

I don't mind travelling , and taking Schwuk's idea a bit further, we've had 
an offer of both Carlisle and Whitehaven.  Could we alternate between both?

>2) Would you prefer formal or informal meetings?

I like both.  A more formal would be useful for a presentation if we all 
know that someone who's good with a particular aspect and doesn't mind 
delivering a carefully crafted speech (without powerpoint, *nix tools 
allowed though).  I could be fun.

On the other hand, I also enjoyed the gathering at Duke21 in Whitehaven, 
and it was certainly nice to meet Ian (without needing a CO2 bottle to damp 
things down a little ;->  ), and would certainly enjoy a social every so 
often pretty much anywhere in Cumbria - the location doesn't matter much, 
just the people who can attend, so it would be an opportunity to meet those 
who can;t get to the extremes .


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