[cumbria_lug] UserGroup...

Schwuk schwuk at schwuk.com
Thu Apr 22 10:05:50 BST 2004

Russ Phillips wrote:
> Midas looks interesting - I'd not seen it before. However, it looks like it 
> will only work on Gecko-based browsers. Is that right?

Yes, it's Gecko only. I've not looked at other solutions

One thing I was thinking of supporting was multiple input formats 
(administrator controlled of course). This way, 'trusted' users could 
work with HTML, whilst others could choose between Textile, Some sort of 
BBCode-alike or plain text. Rich editing is not at the top of the list 
of my priorities.

Another idea I was thinking about - I've seen this for other CMSs - was 
a 'real' GUI rather than a web-based one. Possibly an XUL application in 

> You could validate the HTML before allowing it to be submitted (possibly 
> putting suspect code into an area where an admin could check it before 
> allowing it). The source code for the W3C's validator is available (http://
> validator.w3.org/source/), or you could just check for some common errors.

Good idea.

Schwuk - http://www.schwuk.com
Cumbria LUG - http://www.cumbria.lug.org.uk

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