[cumbria_lug] UserGroup...

Schwuk schwuk at schwuk.com
Thu Apr 22 10:06:33 BST 2004

Martin Alderson wrote:
> However, modularity is very, very tricky. Expect to be using no end of 
> hacks to get them to work togther well - make sure you have a good API 
> so people do not have to rewrite the wheel all of the time and cause 
> code bloatage. Hell, make a custom scripting language for it if you need 
> to.

Not quite sure I want to go that far... :)

I do intend to keep the code and interfaces clean - hence my reluctance 
to adapt someone elses work!

My intention is that the central classes (which only really concern 
Users and Authentication/Authorisation at this time) will be fairly 
lightweight and only contain what they really need to. Using OOP, it 
will be easy to take the basic User class and extend for use in each 
module. I.E. Only the Article specific User class will contain the 
moderation information. Only the Discussion specific User class will 
contain the a .sig or Avatar.

> It seems like a great idea, but the modularity concerns me. Apart from 
> that, it does sound rather good but make sure you have a damn good admin 
> interface for it. A lot of these sorts of systems don't and make it very 
> hard for the user to do what he wants. Also, sane defaults please!

I've learnt from experience for this, and the admin interface will be 
written before anything else is.

Schwuk - http://www.schwuk.com
Cumbria LUG - http://www.cumbria.lug.org.uk

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