[cumbria_lug] ChunkyMonkey IRCD

Chris Plant chris at monkeyircd.org
Mon Jun 14 22:40:01 BST 2004


It should really be configurable, so I'll pop that on the TODO list, but 
at the moment I haven't had much time to put into developing it.  How 
comfortable are you with C programming, as its simply a case of altering 
a few numbers in one of the files.  If you aren't happy with that, I'll 
write a patch for you.


Russ wrote:

> Hi guys,
> I run an IRC server for a few friends once a week, and I've been using 
> Chunky Monkey (http://www.monkeyircd.org). I'm happy with it, but I 
> can't seem to find out how to change the flood limit. I think the main 
> developer is on this list, so can he (or anyone else) help me out?
> Russ
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