[cumbria_lug] Ideas for meetings...

Schwuk schwuk at schwuk.com
Thu Oct 14 22:49:48 BST 2004

On Thu, 2004-10-14 at 20:25, Jen Phillips wrote:
> My experience of computing courses at Carlisle College was less than 
> impressive. I seem to recall that I taught the teacher one or two things, and 
> I generally got the impression that her knowledge of computers was as a power 
> user and nothing more.

Well seeing as I failed my BTEC Computer Studies at Carlisle College...

At the time ('91/'92) it was the standard fodder - COBOL and Turbo
Pascal, and a bit of MS Windows. No idea what they are like now. I did
attend a day course on Linux at WCC a few years ago, but I believe that
lecturer has parted company with them now.

Dave Murphy (aka Schwuk)
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