[cumbria_lug] Introduction

Dave Murphy dave at schwuk.com
Mon Jan 30 20:58:10 GMT 2006

On Sat, 2006-01-28 at 13:08 +0000, Keith Abraham wrote:
> Hi everyone

Hello and welcome.

>     Since then I've tried various distros eventually settling on a
> Debian installation as I felt it best typified my concept of
> computing freedom. At the moment I'm running the Debian based
> Kanotix 2005-4 which I find suits my needs ie. good hardware
> detection and easy installation plus a very nice collection of config
> scripts.

I'd love to do another survey of what people are using, however I feel 
the results would be (un)fairly biased due to the lurker-like tendancies 
of most people on the list. I am however confident it would be split between 
Ubuntu (and other Debian derivatives, but Ubuntu being the strongest) 
and SUSE with a smattering of Red Hat/Fedora, and couple of Mandrakes - 
er - Mandrivas and a few BSD's thrown in for good measure.

>    I was somewhat surprised to how little activity there is in the
> mailing list archives.

Others have already commented on this, but I'll add my opinions to the 
mix. Although CLUG seems to be focused around the vocal few, we do 
actually have 44 subscribers to the list so there are a lot of people 
who are keeping very quiet with no desire (or maybe need) to join in. 
The other thing to note (apart from the geographical issues already 
noted by Russ & Jen) is that the technical level of our group seems to 
be quite high - especially compared to other LUGs I'm involved with - so 
the usual newbie questions and RFAs you see on other lists tend not 
happen here.

If you have any ideas for how to increase "audience participation" then 
please let (me|us) know!
Dave Murphy (Schwuk)

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