[cumbria_lug] Gnome

Adam Pigg piggz1 at gmail.com
Wed Mar 8 19:07:51 GMT 2006

Dave, you'll be so impressed with me.  The other day i entered 'sudo smart 
install gnome2' at the console which resulted in a fully working gnome2 
desktop on my laptop.

Dont worry, im not suddenly a convert, someone has packaged some xgl rpms for 
mandriva (all nicely configured and seperated into /opt) but as there is 
currently no kde-window-decorator for compiz, i was forced to use gnome.  The 
packages were much more successful than my attempts to build 
xgl+xorg+compiz+mesa+glitz from the freedesktop cvs server.

All i can say is sweet dude.  Now, that only applies to the rather cool 
looking xgl stuff, not gnome :).  It even ran respectably on my (probably 
underpowered) i915 which is awaiting a driver update to increase gl 
performance (something to to with pbuffers i think).


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