[cumbria_lug] Ruby / Ruby on Rails

Dave Murphy dave at schwuk.com
Fri Mar 24 10:09:21 GMT 2006

Luke Antins wrote:
> I've been playing around since my post (took a few days to come through, so
> I assume its moderated).

It was waiting approval as you'd sent it from an unsubscribed address.

> I will be suggesting Rails is used for future projects with some clients!

I certainly am!

> A very interesting video to watch is Snakes and Rubies...
> http://www.djangoproject.com/weblog/2005/dec/04/snakes_and_rubies/

All of the screencasts/videos are very impressive, and yet they only 
scratch the surface...

> Perhaps at a future LUG meeting (if people are interested) we could show off
> what Rails / Ruby can do?

We could certainly do that, if there's enough interest.

Dave Murphy - http://www.schwuk.com

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