[Deaf-lug] Virtual Hosts

JGJones mailinglist at gwallgofi.com
Sun Jun 22 12:28:42 BST 2008

Originally quicktime, but I now use Flash (ffmpeg can convert to FLV) as 
it's the most accessible format. Just convert videos into FLV and use a 
SWF player (there's the FLV Player plugin which I used in the past, and 
there are quite a few other plugin's that can work with FLV...I will 
have to take a look at my blog sometime to see which plugin I use now 
but I focus on those that give me valid XHTML code)

Alternatively, if you are not hosting videos yourself, can always use 
YouTube or other video hosting sites.

Dafydd Eveleigh wrote:
> Thank you JG
> That is a big help.
> Many Thanks
> Dy
> PS for your vlog what did you use to embed video?
> On 21 Jun 2008, at 13:32, JGJones wrote:
>> For your own "domains" such as CMS, Blog etc going to a localhost 
>> server (on your own PC) you need to configure a site configuration 
>> file in /etc/apache2/site-available
>> let's call it cms
>> and put this in:
>> <VirtualHost *>
>>     ServerAdmin webmaster at cms
>>     ServerName cms
>>     #ServerAlias www.cms
>>     DocumentRoot /home/(your user name)/(your web folder)/CMS
>>     Options Indexes FollowSymLinks MultiViews       
>>     <Directory /home/(your user name)/(your web folder)/CMS
>>         AllowOverride All
>>         Order allow,deny
>>         allow from all
>>     </Directory>
>> </VirtualHost>
>> /home/(your user name)/(your web folder)/CMS = in my case it's 
>> /home/jgjones/Sites/CMS
>> Enable it by sudo a2ensite cms
>> You also need to add to your /etc/hosts file:
>> cms (add to end of the locolhost line even) so that browser 
>> know what does cms translate into.
>> Rapache does all of this automatically so you would find it MUCH 
>> easier to use that, but I agree...doing it in text allows you to learn 
>> Apache2 better.
>> Finally, if you are playing with CMS etc in Apache2 on a local 
>> computer bear in mind - you might find it better to chgrp all files in 
>> your web folder to www-data (allow apache to write by enabling 
>> group-writable).
>> Group writeable means apache2 can make changes to the files via a 
>> webbrowser (although you can't actually do this in a browser unless 
>> you "log in" ie into a blog or whatever you're working on.
>> Provided you do the above, then default would work (ie 
>> http://localhost = goes to /var/www) and you can separate the files 
>> via virtualhost names.
>> Hope that's clear and if in doubt, let me know.
>> Dafydd Eveleigh wrote:
>>> Thank you very much
>>> I actually figured it out last night.
>>> It would appear that the default host overridden the other host so by 
>>> disabling the default using
>>> sudo a2dissite default
>>> It allowed me to set up virtual host for the sites I want. However 
>>> when I did
>>> sudo a2ensite default
>>> the default site no longer comes up!!!!
>>> It is certainly an a patchy server!!!!! :-)
>>> I am not worried but would like to work out why to enhance my 
>>> understanding of apache but not a biggy at the moment.
>>> I will certainly try the rapache.
>>> Thank you for sharing my pain.
>>> On 18 Jun 2008, at 17:22, JGJones wrote:
>>>> Right...I understand your pain...I'll look at mine BUT in the 
>>>> meantime why not give this a try:
>>>> http://en.emanuele-gentili.com/index.php/2008/06/18/rapache-02-1-alpha-packaged/ 
>>>> rapache aims to provide a GUI interface to configuring Apache making 
>>>> it vastly much easier.
>>>> As for your issue...I'll just take a look at my configuration and 
>>>> get back to you asap (rather busy at the moment) but emailed to let 
>>>> you know your pain is heard.
>>>> Dafydd Eveleigh wrote:
>>>>> Hi fellow ubuntuees
>>>>> I am trying to set up virtual hosts on my ubuntu 8.04 for personal 
>>>>> testing and experimentation.
>>>>> I want to be able to do somthing like http://joomla/ when I want to 
>>>>> test out joomla or http://wordpress/ when i want to test word press 
>>>>> and so on. Rather than http://localhost/joomla or 
>>>>> http://localhost/wordpress.
>>>>> The server won't be public as it is for messing about and learning 
>>>>> php and tomcat and so on.
>>>>> I tried following the instructions set out here
>>>>> http://ricardocabello.com/blog/post/543/
>>>>> But when I type in joomla it doesn't go to the root folder which i 
>>>>> have set up at /home/dafydd/www/joomla and goes to the default folder.
>>>>> If anybody can provide a simple to use guide that will allow me to 
>>>>> set up multiple virtualhosts on ubuntu 8.04 that would be a great 
>>>>> help.
>>>>> I am thinking that the problems are caused using the synaptics 
>>>>> package manager and using a LAMP install. I wonder if it is better 
>>>>> to install individually using the terminal rather than the package 
>>>>> manager.
>>>>> Many Thanks in advance
>>>>> Dy
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> Dafydd Eveleigh
> http://wordpress.evejam.co.uk/
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