[Derry] Tonights Meeting

Patton, Tony derry at mailman.lug.org.uk
Wed Sep 4 14:59:00 2002

Who is going?  I will be there tonight after a smallish recess.

Usual time (8:30), usual place (wetherspoons).
| Tony Patton                        |                                 |
| MIS Software Developer/*nix        | Tel  : +44 28 7127 6443         |
|   Systems Administrator            | Fax  : +44 28 7126 0520         |
| North West Institute of F & H.E.   | Mob  : +44 7764 905 955         |
| Strand Road                        |                                 |
| Derry                              | ICQ# : 113 069 081              |
| BT48 7BY                           |                                 |