[Derry] howdy

Pete McEvoy derry at mailman.lug.org.uk
Mon Sep 16 16:09:01 2002

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On Mon, Sep 16, 2002 at 03:46:58PM +0100, Stray Toaster wrote:
> Hi Pete! Hey, if you go up that way, call in and say hello to me!

Christ on a bike! The ubiquitous Stray Toaster ;)
Am i to assume you're not residing in portglenone (sp) anymore? I do
remember you mentioning you were moving house, are you in the vacinity
of Derry? If so, you still up for a skate next time im up there? And did
you ever get those books out of your attic? (not that i ever gave you
the board i promised you :^) ). I may be heading up that direction to do
some surfing in the next week or 2 if you fancy that.

Is there a dlug irc channel? not that i don't waste enough time on irc
as it is, but if there isn't and enough people want it i could ask
ahmulh if we could start "wan" (geddit) on oftc.

judge not, lest ye should be judged.

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