[dundee] AHHHHHHHH
CS Systems
dundee at lists.lug.org.uk
Tue Apr 1 02:49:00 2003
I think I'm just being silly here, but anyway. I'm trying to get=
linux (redhat 7.2) box to sycronize the time with time.nist.gov=
server, and I've got the command
hwclock -w | rdate -s time.nist.gov
which sort of works... this sets both the system time and the
hardware clock time to the value it recieves from time.nist.gov,=
it is 1 hour slow. (Most likely due to the GMT daylight savings).=
Can anyone suggest how I can get the correct time from=
so I can set the correct times for the system and hardware=
p.s. I had it working about 2 hours ago, changed something and
cannot get it back again :( Suppose I was trying to be too=
Any help greatly appreciated
Yours sincerely
Christopher Shennan
CS Systems
Web: http://www.cs-systems.co.uk
Email: cshennan@cs-systems.co.uk