[dundee] Installing user private Debian packages.

Jonathan Barber dundee at lists.lug.org.uk
Wed Apr 2 11:31:00 2003

On Wed, Apr 02, 2003 at 01:32:35AM +0100, Andrew Clayton wrote:
> Hi,
> Having only used Debian briefly about five years ago, I have a question
> for you Debian users out there.
> I need to install the egcs64 package on a Debain 3.0 Sparc Ultra 60
> system. I don't have root access, so would need to somehow install it
> under my home dir, is this possible?. (I need this, to build Sparc64
> Linux kernels). Otherwise, I guess I can download the egcs64 source and
> compile etc....

I haven't done this myself, but the steps you need to take are to get
the package (either with aptitute or from ftp.debian.org) and then run

dpkg --extract packagename ./

This will extract the package to the cwd. Then you should run 

dpkg --control packagename ./

And examine the scripts that are unpacked to see whether you need to do
anything extra.