[dundee] [jtsmoore@revolution-os.com: Re: Screening of Revolution OS]

Andrew Clayton dundee at lists.lug.org.uk
Fri Jul 18 00:01:01 2003

On Thu, 2003-07-17 at 23:48, jim wrote:
> just seen the page on mplayer, christ i only want to play dvd,s not 
> reinvent the wheel!!,
> no wonder people stick with windows, I am no mug with computers but 
> thats not for 99% of computer users. I hoped that Linux would be a 
> challange to microsoft, but I recon Microsoft are pretty safe.  

Well, it's simple really. The word is "choice".... something that seems
alien in the M$ world...

You want to play a dvd. Xine, Ogle are at least two, it seems Mplayer is
a third....

Try one, try all three (or any others that are out there) and find one
that you like and works for you.

> checked the HD and the DOS partion is formatted and listed under fdisk 
> but no availble under linux for some reason.

mount -t vfat /dev/hda[n] /mnt/[somedir]

If that doesn't work, what you have is either not a vfat filesystem (the
partition you found with fdisk, has been formated with a vfat fs
right?), or you don't have vfat support in your kernel.


Andrew "to be blunt" Clayton