[dundee] Advertising

Colin Brough dundee at lists.lug.org.uk
Tue Sep 16 14:55:59 2003

> Calling it GNU/Linux isn't really correct either as there is a lot more
> than just the kernel + GNU in an average distribution. So IMHO just
> calling it Linux is the right thing.
> We should of course educate people more in what exactly makes up a Linux
> distribution... ah some content for the website perhaps.. ;)

Particularly in the context of a poster to invite interested folk to
come along, what people will know, the tag-line they might have heard,
will be "Linux". Once we've "got" them, we can
indoctrinate^H^H^H^H^H^Heducate.... :-)



ps I too would prefer a tux on a poster to the GNU gnu.

Colin Brough                             Colin.Brough@blueyonder.co.uk