[dundee] hows this? re: advertising

Colin Brough dundee at lists.lug.org.uk
Tue Sep 16 16:00:02 2003

> Is this okay?
> http://www.computing.dundee.ac.uk/staff/swells/downloads/tlug/ 
> TLUGflyer.pdf

Lookin' good - personally I might put the Tux as a banner over the
top, with the info (including TLUG) beneath it. The map is a bit
fiddly - it doesn't print brilliantly, maybe because its a bit small?
We can safely assume people who see it will have web access, and the
URL isn't exactly hard (google on 'tayside linux' gets you there
anyway!) - drop the map?

Minor point: you've spelled theatre "Theater" - US, not UK spelling...

Anyway, here's my slight rearrangement, just for the purposes of




Colin Brough                             Colin.Brough@blueyonder.co.uk