[dundee] volunteering

angie at nirvana.me.uk angie at nirvana.me.uk
Fri Jan 23 17:12:11 GMT 2004

Excuse the delay in posting this - I've been snowed under with work over the 
past few weeks.

Got around to preparing an overview of possible TLUG projects now since the 
meeting (finally) – Can someone remind me who to e-mail the slides to please?

Simple install Linux with some apps – as mentioned b4 there is already some 
interest in this. Any agreement on a good package?

Documentation/Training material – most Linux documentation/guides etc look 
techie orientated – most likely because coders don’t like writing manuals ;) 
Looking for Idiots guide level training material ranging from installing 
Linux / guidance on moving from windows to linux etc as well as user guides for 
various apps. Long term we’d like to be able to offer ECDL training/testing in 
Someone mentioned http://lbproject.sourceforge.net/ - which is a good start. 
Perhaps someone could source existing Linux non-techie docs? (easy option) or 
help develop courseware based on our Windows stuff.

Skills list – it was decided it would be useful to get a list of 
skills/services that the group have to offer the Dundee voluntary sector.
Once this is done I can put an article into a few voluntary sector 
magazines/mailing lists.

Support/Linux Resource – I'm working on developing a web site aimed at 
charities with information on free/cheap IT resources (as and when I et the 
time). Obviously Linux would feature in this. Any Linux resources/ training 
material etc could be included here as well as a support forum – would the 
group be prepared to answer Linux related Q’s as they were posted? I think IRC 
support was also mentioned.

  - Angie

P.S. Sorry if I've missed anything - it's too close to pub time!

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