[dundee] Fwd: Open letter from Alan Cox
Simon Wells
swells at computing.dundee.ac.uk
Wed Jun 2 12:17:15 BST 2004
Jonathan Riddell wrote:
>On Wed, Jun 02, 2004 at 12:38:16AM +0100, Martin Habets wrote:
>>I'm normally not much into politics, but here are some words from Alan Cox...
>>Guess it's time to make up your minds.
>SNP or Green for those important no-software patents votes. I've had
>excellent responeses from SNP MEPs on the issue in the past.
>>PS: Is there a LUG meeting next monday? Any topics yet? What happened to those SUN
>>machines we played with 2 or 3 months ago?
>I would recommend a discussion on software patents and EU election
>voting. It would probably need to be structured around something, a
>talk etc. Is there a room booked Simon?
>Incidently I'm doing a KDE talk/question and answer session at EdLUG this
>Jonathan Riddell
>Umbrello UML Modeller: http://uml.sf.net
>dundee GNU/Linux Users Group mailing list
>dundee at lists.lug.org.uk http://dundee.lug.org.uk
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How do you feel about giving a reprise of your talk at the meeting. A
software patent talk/discussion would also be useful but it would be a
shame to miss the opportunity for a KDE talk for those of us who are not
very familiar with it especially as you already have one prepared.
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