[dundee] 'Win32 is the path to the dark side. Xp leads to anger.
Anger leads to Vista. Vista leads to suffering.'
Colin Brough
Colin.Brough at blueyonder.co.uk
Sun Nov 19 13:43:39 GMT 2006
> Hello Penguins,
> It was nice to have a beer and meet up, what I gathered we
> talked about (!) (I was'nt take notes!) was getting the Lug up and
> moving again. I'm trying to do some research on wether my uni would
> be up for donating a room to such a worthy cause? If others could
> get on the case and look for a room which is
> .cheap
> .has projector
> .has internet access
> I think there's in now enough interest to get a fair size group
> doing linux stuff again. I'm willing to put some energy and revive
> the group and do legwork n stuff. Our course demands 'intresting'
> subjects to be approched, it will be fun ;-).
> looking at the Fife Lug I think they are having the same (numbers)
> problem, would be nice to pool resources, and combine the two into
> Fife and Tayside LUG as one? is that madness or a good idea?
> I think either the first meet we can do an install fest or a general
> introduction to linux? if anyone's got any Idea's on stuff they
> either want to run, or intrested in learning.
Did anything ever come of this research? I wasn't able to be there on
the night you met - Thursdays aren't good for me. A friend of mine has
a projector that I often borrow, and could conceivably let us have
from time to time. Churches are one place who sometimes have cheap
hall lets - depends on how central you want to make it. Internet
access is trickier, especially broadband.
- getting skype up and running! Another friend in China wants to chat
to me using skype and I've never used it...
- the old window manager / desktop environment is good - especially
if we can demo a few and let people play with them with someone who
knows how to do stuff around.
Colin Brough Colin.Brough at blueyonder.co.uk
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