[dundee] Pass me a stick i have an Etch

Arron Finnon arron.finnon at hotmail.co.uk
Mon Apr 9 10:41:26 BST 2007

Hi Guys,

Well i have been scouring the Linux news as usual and it really seems that 
new distro's is the topic of the month this month.  For you Debian lovers it 
has finally arrived Etch is here – http://www.debian.org/News/2007/20070408.

Now to be honest with you i have never used a pure Debian being a little bit 
of a newbie i have spent most of my Linux adolescence in Buntu, which is a 
Debian love child (i think this best describes it but i am open to better 
terms) but being the child that it is it stands on the shoulders of other 
people success (but then again we all do that, and chats shown through 
technological history).

One thing i do know about Debian is that they doesn't half seem to be a lot 
of in fighting and what ever you do don't ask a Debian developers about 
release cycles, i here that a sore one as well.

So do we have many Debian users on “The List”?  Just in case i decide to 
have a play i want to be able to buy a pint for the usual advice.

Okay folks catch up soon


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