[dundee] Xboxes etc.

Lee Hughes toxicnaan at yahoo.co.uk
Fri Dec 7 21:21:21 GMT 2007

How a girl broke my heart...once...

is that linux related.


Arron M Finnon <afinnon at googlemail.com> wrote: Hi Nistur,

Just some friendly banter you ken what i'm like.  But in fairness that
may be a fantastic title for a night of flash talks.  

"How i Broke......"

Then people can talk about how they broke their system, and then how
they fixed.  Be interesting to see if we all break systems in similar

We could do a series of non-linux how i broke.... talks as well, "How I
Broke my will live, by using VB"  

Kris could do one entitled "How i broke my leg sky diving and nearly
goosed it afterwards falling out the loft".  Bit of a long winded title
but could be interesting.

Anyways good luck with the XBoX 


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