[dundee] Old laptop
Digit (SG)
digit.siljrath at googlemail.com
Wed Jul 4 18:18:16 BST 2007
to show her how similar to windows it can be, since she's stubborn, show her
a kdenvironment. knoppix i find particularly impressive for this with its
array of toys n dazzly things to keep her happy.
or maybe a dsl, if you could get her to realise how impressive it is, in
comparison to doze too, ;).
and slax,
basically i'm saying make sure its a live cd first so you can show her old
system is still there if she freaks.
On 04/07/07, azmodie <azmodie at gmail.com> wrote:
> from a few discussions on the ubuntu forums suggest something like
> http://fluxbuntu.org/
> although they dont have a fiesty base yet. they will be releasing gutsy
> gibbon in october.
> screenshots: http://shots.fluxbuntu.org/nbuild1-rev2/
> On 7/4/07, Nistur Effee < nistur at karate.com> wrote:
> >
> > Hmmm where to start? I have a very... stubborn mother. She has an old
> > Win98 laptop that she uses for childminding, *shudders* edutainment style
> > games and the like however, with it being a cast off from one of the parents
> > it has thousands of faults and takes hours to do anything.
> > She has so far been totally against the idea of putting Linux on it
> > because "she won't know what to do". Going with children everywhere, I'm
> > going to ignore her. I'll install Linux and see what she says, then install
> > 98 after if she insists. I was just wondering what people would suggest in
> > terms of distro. The HDD is only 2GB so Ubuntu/Minty is out of the question
> > and I'd like to think I could get a variety of distros into working shape
> > with some fiddling. Does anyone have any experience with lightweight (or
> > maybe older versions) designed for Windoze migrants? (first one to say
> > Lindows sits in the corner)
> >
> > Thanks in advance
> > ---------------------------------------------------
> > Signing out
> > Nistur nistur at karate.com
> >
> > --
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the heart and the language of the soul. But always, it is the same voice. It
is the voice of our ancestors, speaking through us, And the voice of our
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