[dundee] Kris Findlay has sent you the calendar UAD The Abertay Linux Society / TayLUG

Kris Findlay azmodie at gmail.com
Mon Oct 29 04:45:51 GMT 2007

Your friend, azmodie at gmail.com, has sent you the following Google 
Calendar and included this message:

Here is the proper link to the calendar.  Please send any events you 
may wish to highlight to events at thelinuxsociety.org.uk

View UAD The Abertay Linux Society / TayLUG calendar: http://www.google.com/calendar/embed?src=Z2I0dW5kMThvcjhlM2c3ZTR0ZDJxYW90YXNAZ3JvdXAuY2FsZW5kYXIuZ29vZ2xlLmNvbQ
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