[dundee] iptables and fair network usage

Nistur nistur at googlemail.com
Tue Oct 30 17:58:31 GMT 2007

Ok, I've finally got around to unplugging the linksys thing and starting 
the compaq up again, I made sure all the modules were loaded, I flushed 
iptables and just added nat, I restarted dhcp server and I checked my 
computer. ping, I have internets.
I go to check someone else's PC and I don't get so lucky, it would seem 
that they don't get given a default gateway ip. I check with multiple 
systems and linux ones that were up before the router switch are fine, 
anything else is a problem.
I then start another linux box up and:
route add default gw
and it works.
I then try setting ip and dns manually on one of the windows boxes. 
Still nothing.
I check everything again, I ping router from each machine with positive 
I then sit and look through google and find that I can set:
option routers;
in dhcpd.conf. I try again, still nothing on windows, my computer's 
still happily up, but other linux machines start dropping out, and 
setting a default gateway doesn't fix the problem.

Here is my complete subnet section of dhcpd.conf
# Flat network
subnet netmask {
        option domain-name-servers;
        option routers;
        allow unknown-clients;
Please please please can someone help? This is really driving me up the wall

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