[dundee] Google's Response to the MS bid for Yahoo

Arron M Finnon afinnon at googlemail.com
Mon Feb 4 12:58:58 GMT 2008

Hi Guys,

I'll give my thoughts on it for what it is worth and i'm more thrown by
the concept that this is an admittance that they have lost the search
engine war, and all ancillary business connected to it.  That msn is not
only not cutting the mustard but if the downward slide continues that
they'll be out on a limb.  We could argue with the valuation until the
cows some home, but the true fact of it is M$ are buying themselves a
bigger piece of the search engine cake, which in their mind will at
least give them a fighting chance against google, so in that respect i
believe that they are fighting for their way of life and the money their
spending is dead monies.  They where going to have to spend it one way
or another, either by acquisition or by development and advertising, of
course the downside to that is they would need to pay google to
advertise them, in so doing putting food on to the table of the enemy.
I would go as far as to say that they by action also admit that they
aren't even number two on the block.  I believe the deal with go through

Interesting article over at the NY Times on it


if anyones interested.  The fight between M$ and Google has been shaping
up for awhile neither side wanting to start first, but each approaching
each others borders.  Looks like the cold war of the Internet will not
be too long away

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