[dundee] Taylug Weekly Articles 8 - POMS

Gary Short gary at garyshort.org
Wed Feb 6 14:08:52 GMT 2008

-------- Original Message --------
> From: Arron M Finnon <afinnon at googlemail.com>
> Sent: 06 February 2008 13:44
> To: dundee at mailman.lug.org.uk
> Subject: [dundee] Taylug Weekly Articles 8 - POMS
> It just seems that whatever is said on the subject brings more
> controversy and circled debate.

Yeah, circled debate = stalemate, which is why I tried to draw a line under it, but to no avail, LOL.

> g) A chance for this community to start playing a part in this, and i
> would beg if you don't like the OLPC, either give it a chance, or float
> an idea for something alternative.

I've said before and I'll say again, I think the OLPC is a great piece of technology, I have nothing against it at all (and I'm sure no one on the list does), I'm merely not convinced that the fragile education system of a developing country is the right place to experiement with its use in education.

Now someone posted a link saying they are shipping them to Oz. Now you see, that's what I'm talking about!! A developed country's education system is exactly the place to try it out. If it fails they have the money to fix any problems, if it works then there is a template of success to roll out to the developing world. That is exactly the way to go.

> Let's throw ideas out there and come up with
> something, the one thing for sure is we all agree that action and
> interaction is required

Better yet, let's come up with a great product, I'm sure there's enough talent on the list to come up with a lot of very cool software. I guess though we might need input from an educationalist or two. Anyone know any good teachers/lecturers? LOL.

> We accept all regardless, of professional
> qualifications, creed, wealth, expertise.

Hell yeah, I can feel the love. :-)

> You left begging the question, if you don't like linux and what it
> stands for, why engage with us at all.

I can't recall a single "linux sucks" or "OLPC sucks" post in this thread. I'm sure people can be active and supportive members of the list whilst still maintaining certain doubts about the use of certain technologies. Surely the list is much healthier if we don't always agree about everything.

> Just in case i didn't make this clear.  This is not a personal attack on
> anyone, i'll not be saying that again, but if we add all the hours we've
> all spent on debating if the OLPC is right or wrong and used that time
> in a positive way, we all could be proud of it.

Amen brother!


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