[dundee] Taylug Weekly Articles 8 - POMS

Lee Hughes toxicnaan at yahoo.co.uk
Thu Feb 7 02:50:30 GMT 2008

That's it, you lot are trying to bore the pants of me?

adjusting email filters to compensate for decreased SNR ratio on this list.

with only just a few filter rules, I can restore this list to place of happiness....

okay, I have to admit, It's not that I generally oppose some of the posts in
this thread, it's just that I'm 

a) running out of disk space for 8 page emails.

b) it's not fun reading perfect English all the time, I like the fun of 
    decoding tim's email for instance. Correct punctuational and grammer,
    from well perpare and though out list posts, it's just no fun is it. boring boring

so, filters in place, I should be able to shield myself from those boring people, that make a boring subject even more boring.


okay,  opinion, may be right or  wrong, but battling post after post
on the schematics of argument? the correctness of debate? well go and do
it somewhere else, not that anyone in there right mind would listen.

Can we get the quality of the list back up to the standard, If you not interested
in GNU/Linux then I wil supply you with details on how to unsubscribe.

p.s. those running gnu/linux/macs can ignore this message, I am willing to
stand boring people if they are in fact using open software. 

oohhh. must go, I feel M$ shareprice slipping away as I type.


Why do I feel like a trainspotter at a blindman's car convention?

Lee 'Don't bore me, ever'

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