[dundee] Intercommunication between Document formats

John Seago seago.john at googlemail.com
Thu Feb 7 16:04:57 GMT 2008

On Thursday 07 February 2008 14:46:09 Gary Short wrote:
> In an ideal world sure, but we don't live in an ideal world. They have to
> take cogniscence of the fact that they have to be able to work from
> templates, some created out with the constabulary; they have to add to and
> work with repositories shared with other government offices and lastly they
> need to be able to, easily, hire staff who will be familiar with the
> technology. All of these things, I'm afraid, led them to decide that Office
> was their best bet.

I cannot believe that the re-training necessary for clerical staff to 
operate 'Open Office', given that they should already be trained to operate 
Microsoft office® can be anything other than trivial. As the whole essence 
of 'Open office' is its interoperability with other formats the problems 
dealing with materail; from outwith any given organisation should also be 
trivial. After all I was able to open and complete the Microsoft® format 
document I was given, its just that I forgot to send it back in the same 
format; had the DCS had 'Open Office' then they would have been able to open 
the document I sent them!

John Seago
GNU/Linux Registered User No. #219566 http://counter.li.org/
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